CLEAR FINANCIAL GOALS -RESOLUTION 2022 Does a decision change the game? Wishful and hopeful thinking are good but not enough to have good financial results. It takes a decision to make things change instead of waiting for things to happen.... English Media
LEPTOS ESTATES WEBINAR - EXPAND FROM CYPRUS TO EUROPE 10 SOLID REASONS TO RELOCATE YOUR BUSINESS TO CYPRUS Why Cyprus Positioned at the crossroads of three continents Member of the EU and Eurozone English language widely spoken Safe and secure environmen... English
SAFETY BOATS NEEDED - WHAT TO LEARN FROM THE TITANIC When the Titanic was sinking there were three different types of people: those who kept dancing, those who panicked without any considerable action, and those who jumped to safety boats. Now that the ... English
DEVELOP YOUR SALES TEAM - POLL RESULTS Based on a survey that we've done with our clients and other webinar attendees, the below answers show how much businesses are impacted and how they would behave due to the current crisis. What about ...
STOP WASTING TRAINING TIME AND BUDGET Most companies either don’t train at all, train one time a year and very few really have a continuous training program. In all cases, companies don’t really benefit from training as much as they shoul... English
BUSINESS PLANNING & MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT - POLL RESULTS Based on a survey that we've done with our clients and other webinar attendees, the below answers show how much businesses are impacted and how they would behave due to the current crisis. What ab... English
STOP WASTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE The crisis is pushing businesses to downsize and sometimes lose the essential key people. Besides the fact that some people say that no one is irreplaceable, we all know how much companies lose in ter... English
BUSINESS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN Life has changed! People have changed; they have a different mindset, different priorities and less purchasing power. Business will surely never be back to normal. This content can’t apply to all busi... English
TOUGH TIMES CAN GIVE YOU SOME GOOD LESSONS Tough times can give you some good lessons: 1. Always trust the power of God 2. Discover your internal strengths 3. Unexpected friends and supporters pop up 4. Insurance is a must 5. Planning helps pa... English
WHAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM Most of the problems we are facing are due to lack of planning or lack of values. On a personal level, people lack planning for their future, their financials, goals, career development and most impor... English
SURVIVING THE STORM Entrepreneurship is a journey. Every business goes into storms due to internal and external factors. Below are some tips to survive the current storm: 1. Communicate your financial situation with your... English
My interview on El Iktisad Magazine نانسي هيكل جاد داغر: يجب الخروج من خانة "الاعتيادي" لخلق الفرص الفريدة والجاذبة! الخميس ٦ حزيران ٢٠١٩ 19:43 نانسي هيكل - قصة نجاح (شخصية النشرة) Check the full article here... Arabic Media