Who are you racing?
Some people are racing in elections
Others are racing competitors
Most of us are racing financial commitments
But all of us are racing time!
Time is passing so fast that most of the people are constantly stressed out.
You grow old in a blink of an eye and miss out on your good fun days
Your children move out so fast and leave you in a lonely state of heart
Your skills become obsolete that you are out of job or pressured to keep upgrading your knowledge
Your income evaporates before even saving for the desired goals
Your love could fade quickly if you don't keep an eye on your emotional health
The list is endless...
Stop the race!
Why are you running that fast?
Who are you racing?
What are your motives?
Stop the momentum! Relax. Assess your situation. Set new meaningful goals. Draft a new action plan that fits your personal values. Discover your own role and mission in life. Create new differentiation points and start racing your own potential at your own pace.
Life is such a beautiful adventure. Don't waste it over things that won't be a high priority to you in a couple of years.
Let's grab a coffee and help you open a new page. You must open a saf7a bayda and expand the right way before it's too late.
Jade W. Dagher
Business & Wealth Strategist
Certified Management Consultant ©