Our International Business Development services are designed to help small and medium-sized companies with high growth potential expand into promising markets. By leveraging a mix of strategies such as franchising, distribution, establishing points of sale, and investor-led expansion, we tailor solutions to your specific goals. 

Please fill the below information to help us structure the proper proposal to help you expand your business with confidence. 

*We, the undersigned, hereby confirm that all information provided in this Client Request Form is accurate. We authorize Expand Strategies and ConfiDen to share the information and documents attached with any of their correspondents (as and where needed) for the purpose of obtaining Proposals aimed at performing any of the services selected above.  We acknowledge that proposals will outline a combination of fixed fees and success fees. It is understood that the submission of this form does not constitute any obligation on our part to accept any Proposal to be provided. Furthermore, this Form is non-binding and does not establish any legal obligation or commitment.